Table Flags

Single Table Flags

A set consisting of a single iron stand and a single flag. The flag size is 15x22.5 cm. It can be produced as a logo or national flag. You can contact us for Turkish flag in any size. Or we can give you the suitable flag size by giving the information of the area you want to use it. Flag maker can provide you with the appropriate flag. 

Double Table Flags

A set consisting of a double bar iron stand and two flags. The flag size is 15x22.5 cm. It can be produced as a logo or national flag. You can contact us for Turkish flag in any size. Or we can give you the suitable flag size by giving the information of the area you want to use it. The flag maker can provide you with the appropriate flag. 

Triple Table Flags

A set consisting of a three-bar iron stand and three flags. The flag size is 15x22.5 cm. It can be produced as a logo or national flag. You can contact us for Turkish flag in any size. Or we can give you the suitable flag size by giving the information of the area you want to use it. 

Quaternary Table Flags

A set consisting of a four-bar iron stand and four flags. The flag size is 15x22.5 cm. It can be produced as a logo or national flag. You can contact us for Turkish flag in any size. Or we can give you the suitable flag size by giving the information of the area you want to use it. The flag maker can provide you with the appropriate flag. Our 5-piece model is available.